Publix Partners Card: Publix Partners program offers schools a great fundraising opportunity. By simply scanning the Tiftarea Publix Partners card before paying for your purchase at ANY Publix grocery store nationwide, Publix will donate a portion of your sale directly to our school. If you or ANYONE you know is a Publix customer, pick up a Publix Partner card in the Administration office in Leebern Hall, or you can request one to be sent home with your student. Since Tiftarea began participating in this program, we have received over $8000!

Box Tops for Education: Look for the Box Tops for Education logo on hundreds of products in almost every aisle of the grocery store. All you need to do is clip the logos and send them to our school. Each one is worth 10 cent for Tiftarea! Collection turn-in days are October 1 & March 1. For a list of particpating products, go to Get everyone involved, ask your friends, neighbors, and relatives to collect for you!

Amazon Smile: AmazonSmile offers the same products, prices, and shopping features as, but when you shop with AmazonSmile, Tiftarea will receive 0.5% of all eligible purchases. Visit and select Tiftarea Academy. You will see "Eligible for AmazonSmile donation" on each product detail page.